A hike of 2,000 kilometres from one end of Great Britain to the other, from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

Lands End to John O'Groats - Day 056 - Kinlochewe to Croftown



Sunday, 27 June 2010





Daily Kilometres:


Total Kilometres:



Partly sunny with occasional showers


Free camping


Scottish breakfast; cheese & pickle roll for lunch; cheese & pickle roll and trail mix for dinner


Few sore spots on both feet



GPS Track:



I had a good night's sleep and things went to plan in the morning when I went across to the store/Post Office at 9am after breakfast and picked up my last set of maps for the trip and bought some food to see me through the next week on the days I am not booked into hotels/inns.  I returned to the hotel, marked up my maps for the day and packed the food before checking out at 10am and hitting the trail.  According to the guide book I was in for a tough day, even without a late start, so I was a little apprehensive about how close I would get to the target of Inverlael, 40km away, by day's end.  I was expecting to be camping, so I could stop short, but needed to be within range of Oykel Bridge the next day, where I was booked into an inn.

The walking started well with a long gradual climb up a valley out of Kinlochewe to Lochan Fada, a loch high in the mountains.  I walked for three hours straight with a fully-loaded pack, but did it comfortably, which was a relief after the fatigue and headaches of yesterday.  I took a break there on a hill overlooking the loch with its grand backdrop of mountains.  I then had a few kilometres of cross-country walking to a pass and once again thanked the gods for the good visibility which had helped my journey across the Highlands.  I could clearly see the pass in the distance I was aiming for, so was able to make a bee-line for it, though had to deal with the usual peat bogs and steep-sided side valleys which made for slow progress.  A couple of hikers appeared ahead from my left, hiking cross-country and followed my course to the pass some distance in front of me, then suddenly disappeared from sight at a time I wasn't looking and I was on my own again.

From the pass I picked up a narrow trail and followed it down a long valley past a picturesque loch with the vast rocky bare-sided Sgurr Ban mountain to the west, ending at a pretty valley with some trees and heather at Achneigie.  By this time it was late in the afternoon, but I was happy with my progress and enjoying listening to the agonies of the commentators previewing, describing and later analysing the England v Germany World Cup game, whilst traversing the spectacular wilderness.

I then had another long climb followed by a crossing of a high plain dotted with small lochs before descending to a green valley with a few houses and a road.  However, this contact with civilisation was brief and I was soon climbing up to another pass through some forest.  It took some time to cross the pass and it was after 8pm, so I began looking for somewhere to camp, since I was only four or five kilometres from Inverlael.  I found an exposed spot near a creek and set up the tent just as the first of several showers passed through.  I thankfully crawled into the tent, hoping I'm not too exposed to the brisk wind, and had my dinner and did my diary.  I had planned to have a wash in the stream, but it was too late and cold, so I went to bed dirty.

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