A hike of 2,000 kilometres from one end of Great Britain to the other, from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

Lands End to John O'Groats - Day 051 - Kinlochleven to Fort William



Tuesday, 22 June 2010




Fort William

Daily Kilometres:


Total Kilometres:



Mostly sunny and warm with an occasional cool breeze


Guesthouse B&B (£36)


Scottish breakfast; egg mayonnaise roll for lunch; ?? for dinner


Feet tired.



GPS Track:



We woke at 7am, packed, and walked across to the same pub where we had dinner last night to get a cooked breakfast.  After that, we hit the trail at 8:45am and almost immediately encountered a stiff climb out of Kinlochewe.  It was a real heart starter after a big breakfast, but maintained a steady pace and soon levelled off above the treeline and high above the valley to the left.  We were back on the old military road, which we could see following the hill contours far into the distance in front of us.  The grades were now easier, but the road was very stony and hard on the feet.  In other places, there were loose rocks and stones which made walking awkward.  However, the day was again perfect for walking and we had sweeping views up and down the valley.

We picked up a few walkers we recognised from yesterday and also slowly passed a spread out group of about a dozen French hikers of similar age, greeting each as we went by.  The path then climbed slowly up a branching valley and over the crest of a col to descend slowly into another valley.  We knew we had a relatively short day, so we planned to take a break half-way and then walk into Fort William for a late lunch.

After three hours and about 12km we stopped by the trail for our break and enjoyed the view over a remote valley with a couple of farmhouses and a lovely small loch.  We were on our way again after 15 minutes and climbing up over another col that then led us down into Glen Nevis.  The path passed through some pretty pine forest and we had views of the huge Ben Nevis, highest mountain in the UK, directly in front of us.  We could see the path climbing up the side to the summit.  Both Ian and I had climbed on several occasions in the past, and it's a great hike.

We finally reached Glen Nevis and followed a track along the southern side of the valley that gave us a clear view of the campground down there where I had camped with my family some 45 years ago, and I can still clearly remember climbing the mountain I was now walking along the side of.  The day had become quite warm and, although we were able to maintain a good pace, the hard stony surface added to our fatigue and we were both happy to reach Fort William around 2:15pm.  We split up and Ian went down to the railway station to check on his train time and I found my B&B and dumped my pack there before joining Ian at the station cafe for a late lunch.  After that, it was a long list of admin chores for me in this last significant town on my walk.  I had to collect maps from the Post Office, mail back the used ones, top up my prepaid mobile wireless internet, buy various pharmaceuticals, buy my train ticket from Thurso (near John O'Groats) back to London for the day after I'm scheduled to finish, and a few other things.

I finished in time to have a last drink with Ian before he caught a 5:30pm train back to where he had left his car and then the 2-hour drive back to his home south of Glasgow.  We had a good time and he certainly kept me moving at a good pace.  I returned to the guesthouse for a shower and clothes wash, booked some more accommodation and then returned to town for dinner.  I ran out of time to buy the three days of food I need to carry and will have to do that on my way out of town tomorrow.  I have now worked out exactly where I will be staying and where each meal will be coming from for the next 12 days.  There are some inns I can stop at where I can get meals, but only small stores where I can buy food to carry on days 4 and 11.  I will also be doing quite a lot of hiking cross-country including, apparently fording a lot of streams, so I have bought a water-tight pack liner to keep my stuff dry, including this laptop, in case I slip and fall in.  Mobile phone and internet coverage may not be available at all during this time, so these may be the last updates until I finish on July 4th.

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