A hike of 2,000 kilometres from one end of Great Britain to the other, from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

Lands End to John O'Groats - Day 020 - Hay-on-Wye


Saturday, 22 May 2010





Daily Kilometres:


Total Kilometres:



Sunny and warm


Guest House B&B (£30)


English breakfast; soup, bread and chocolate cake for lunch; fish and chips for dinner.


Tender feet

GPS Track:n.a.

A relaxing day off, made even more relaxing by the landlady, who insisted on doing and hanging out my washing for me.

The day started pleasantly with breakfast exchanging stories with the other guests in the guesthouse.  After that, I went for a bit of a wander around the beautiful little town of Hay-on-Wye whose unique feature is the preponderance of new and used bookshops.  It seemed like every second shop was a bookseller or trader of some description and even the town castle and cinema had been converted into bookshops.  Some specialised in things like science, sport, travel, gardening, murder and mayhem, etc., and others seemed to have everything.  It would have been easy to spend hours in one shop, let alone visit them all.  There were also a lot of curio and handiworks shops and, being a warm and sunny spring Saturday, there were plenty of visitors who were also patronising the many pubs and cafes, spilling out on to the foot-paths.

I returned for another walk around town later in the day, but also spent a lot of time sitting on my bed and catching up on my email, etc.

All in all, a lovely way to spend a day off and now I'm looking forward to hitting the trail again tomorrow.  Warm and sunny again, apparently.


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