A hike of 2,000 kilometres from one end of Great Britain to the other, from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

Lands End to John O'Groats - Day 015 - Cheddar to Failand



Monday, 17 May 2010





Daily Kilometres:


Total Kilometres:



Sunny and mild


Free camping


English Breakfast; snacks during the day; chilli con carne and apple pie and custard for dinner.


Very sore feet

GPS Track:Here

Had a long night's sleep (10+ hours) and got ready to leave before having breakfast at 8:30am.  The girl doing the cooking is planning a trip to Australia and was chatting and quizzing me last night about where to go.  It would have been hard to get more English breakfast on my plate this morning!

I wandered from the hostel through the small Cheddar shopping street to the Cheddar Gorge entry road where there were lots of tourist shops and the Outdoors Store where I planned to buy some new socks.  I arrived a bit early for their 10am opening and found a giftshop that sold books and bought myself a new novel to read, having finished my first, then sat in the sun drinking a Diet Coke watching the world go by.  The store opened at 10am and after quite a bit of consideration, I bought two pairs of inner socks and one mid-weight outer pair, and immediately put both inners on under my existing Thorlos.  There was no magical improvement (there are still plenty of healing wounds), but it did feel a little less coarse on my feet.  So it was not until after 10:30am that I began hiking and that started with a solid climb up one side of the Cheddar Gorge.  It was sunny and mild, a perfect day for hiking and views and I enjoyed the nice conditions, as were a number of other hikers.  At the top of the Gorge my path turned to follow the crest of The Mendips, another tree-less low range of hills covered in grass and heath, and enjoyed more great views as well as some very pretty woodland paths in the some of the valleys.

My late start meant that I had little chance of reaching today's guide-book target, but I also knew that between The Mendips and the Severn Bridge, there were not any scenic "must sees", so during my break at about 12:30pm atop the moors, I spread my maps out in the sun and worked out a back roads and footpaths way to get where I needed to be in a semi-direct way.  Then it was descending to the north from The Mendips, passing some cave entrances on the way (with warnings) and an abseiling school.  The rest of the afternoon, with increasingly sore feet (but maybe no new blisters) passed pleasantly enough as my course took me through some small villages and some quiet woods and over some low hills until I reached Blackwell Green at about 7:15pm.  I had hoped there might be a B&B there but no such luck.  I decided to grab dinner in the village pub, which I did, then continue walking until I reached a small wood I could see on the map.  I didn't reach there until 8:45pm, by which time light was starting to fade.  It's a very small wood with cars passing nearby and, I suspect, is where locals will be walking their dogs in the morning.  However, beggars can't be choosers, and I quickly found myself a spot to set up camp and was very pleased to get my shoes and socks off and crawl into bed.

It will be a longish day to get to Chepstow (across the Severn Bridge) tomorrow, but I may try to get there and then may take a day off to see if that lets some of the wounds heal.

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